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Refunds, Cancellations & Exchanges

Return Conditions:
You have 7 days from delivery to decide if an item is right for you.
We’ll gladly accept defective product purchased on our website for return.
The courier charges will be borne by the customer in case of return.
Please note that if during the Order process, customer provide us number/message with any "spelling mistakes or any vehicle number error" and now customer want to rectify that error - in that case return is not possible, since it's a mistake at customer end.

How to Return
Steps are easy to follow:
1. Start your return procedure by emailing us at support@bikecarkeychain.com OR Call +91-9313492621 with your Order number and the reason.
2. Securely pack the item(s) in a box or envelope of your choice. Please write your order # on the outside of the package.
3. Mail your return package using a traceable carrier.
4. Once we receive your package, we’ll promptly process your return.

Returns will be processed within 2 business day upon receipt of your package.
In case of Prepaid orders, the refund will be issued to the same payment account customer have used for the original purchase.
In case of COD orders, payments will sent via PayTM or GPay or Bank Account - details of which which customer have to provide.